Is it Time For a Tech Audit?

How reliable is the technology your business or company relies on every day? If you’re not sure that it is reliable, it may be the time to conduct a technology audit. A tech audit will assist you in ensuring that your systems are operating in the way they should and ensure that any information stored is safe from cyberattacks which could expose sensitive information.

A tech audit is a comprehensive review of an organization’s IT infrastructure which includes its operations global biz blog and policies. It can help identify security vulnerabilities and suggest ways to improve internal controls. It’s a vital element of any cybersecurity plan and can be used to satisfy the requirements of certification or regulatory requirements.

To conduct a tech audit, a group of experienced experts should first come up with an audit plan that outlines the scope, timeframe and other details of the evaluation. This plan should outline the manner in which the results will be utilized and how any improvements that are made will be implemented in everyday business processes.

After the audit has been completed, it’s vital to ensure that the final report is concise and clear. The document should be readable by non-technical users and offer an overview of the findings as well as a roadmap to address any issues that are identified. In addition, to technical auditing methods, it’s necessary to think about the ethical and moral consequences of certain technology algorithms.

A QIMA technical audit can be customized to your particular industry or product and our experts will be able to review the manufacturing standards of the factory and providing a risk score to your supplier’s capabilities. This ensures that the factory can meet your requirements based on availability or security.