Using a Board Meeting Schedule to Maximize Your Time Together

A board meeting agenda is a guide that will ensure that your meetings are efficient and on track. Substance over style is important in order to maximize the time your board members must collaborate.

Start your meeting by giving an official call to call the meeting to order and then an introduction by the facilitator or board chair. Then, you can take note of the minutes from the previous meeting or the financial report. You can also go over committee updates or other administrative tasks. It’s a good idea, following that, you should reserve a section of the meeting for discussions on strategic planning or other governance matters. It is also possible to include a confidential or sensitive issue in an executive meeting, if your company’s bylaws permit it.

Be attentive and thoughtful at every point. You should raise any concerns or questions you have regarding the presentation and let your fellow board members respond. Be careful not to wander off and start discussing new topics that don’t belong on the agenda. This can waste precious meeting time and divert attention from the most important topics on your board’s agenda. You can prevent this from happening by adding a “parking area” item to the end of your agenda. This will allow you to postpone various topics for a later time.

Last but not least, ensure that you send your board members the agenda at least one week prior to your scheduled meeting. This will give everyone ample time to read and prepare for the meeting. It’s also a good idea to include the meeting agenda along with any other supporting documents that board members will need to be able to fully comprehend the subject in hand.